Episode 15: Comparing Two Sisters’ Paths to Adulthood with Annalise’s Sister

We welcome Annalise’s older sister onto this week’s episode to talk about dental school! Annalise’s sister is currently completing her periodontics residency at Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC. She graduated from Tufts in 2015 with a double major in English and Biology and then went immediately to dental school at University of California San Francisco. Join us as we talk about her path to adulthood as a dental student and how it differs from her full-time employed younger sister, Annalise. 

At the end of the episode, hear our resident dentist answer some of our burning dental questions! Spoiler alert, your mouth is dirtier than you think. Turns out there’s more to oral hygiene than just brushing your teeth twice a day!


“I think my first year in college, I was like, ‘I want to be a dentist.’ And then everything I was doing was like, ‘Okay I'm going to prepare for dental school.’ And then when I got in I just felt this huge relief like I'm on the path that I wanted to do and, like, I think it was just stressed, not having a path.”

- JK


Episode 16: Our Relationship with Personal Finances and Budgeting in our 20s


Episode 14: Understanding the COVID-19 Vaccine and Medical Racism with We Got Us